Trademark vs Patent: Which is Best for You?

A trademark helps in protecting a name, symbol, design, word, or logo used to represent the manufacturer of the goods. The property rights for a new product are given to an inventor with the help of a patent. This way it prevents others from making any product that looks identical. There are companies out there who avail Patent Services USA to make use of both patent and trademark for protecting intellectual property. However, one must not use these terms interchangeably. Trademark vs. Patent The only difference between a trademark and other legal protections is that it only covers a single mark. The protection may cover a logo, phrase, symbol but it doesn’t cover the owned products manufactured by a company. Unless and until the goods and services are patent protected they can easily be cloned by any other company. It is a good idea to file for trademark protection for the logo or design of your company as it eliminates any sort of chaos or confusion for your users....